Upfront’s powerful differentiation tools support every type of learner and level of reader with resources for customized instruction. Meet students where they are with multiple entry points for each lesson, a choice of reading levels, and more.
Multiple Reading Levels
Multiple Reading Levels
Differentiation starts with the text itself. And every featured article in Upfront comes with a lower-lexile version for your classroom. You can download all the leveled articles for your newest issue with just one click. From your issue page, click the Lexile Measures tile underneath the featured resources.

You can also change the reading level when you’re looking at an article online. Just click the reading level you want in this toolbar on the left.

While you’re there, check out our new Text-to-Speech tool. This tool can read aloud the text of an article. It highlights the text as you go, so developing readers can better follow along. And there are two speeds, so students can slow it down if necessary.

Detailed Lesson Plans
Detailed Lesson Plans
Every issue of Upfront comes with a Teacher’s Guide, full of Lesson Plans for our featured articles. These lesson plans offer scaffolded instruction and pre-reading routines. They have discussion questions based on critical ELA skills and Extension activities that keep the learning going after students have read the article.

You can download the Teacher’s Guide from the Issue Page, and you can find the individual Lesson Plans listed underneath each article.