War Games


Critical Thinking, Citing Text Evidence

In Afghanistan, a country where war seems endless, young people are finding distraction in a violent video game.

Analyze the Article

1. Set Focus 
Pose these essential questions: Why do some video games become extremely popular? In what ways might a video game be good or bad for a society?

2. Read and Discuss 
Have students read the article, marking key ideas and questions. Then ask them to answer the following questions, citing text evidence:

  • How has the war shaped life for young people in Afghanistan? (Young people in Afghanistan have grown up in a nation that’s in perpetual conflict. Many of them have lost parents, siblings, other relatives, and friends to the war. Some have witnessed the violence themselves. They live in daily fear of explosions and the possibility that they or their family members will be killed. They are also growing up in a climate of crime, stemming from the chaos of the war.)
  • According to the article, why has PUBG become popular in Afghanistan? (According to the article, PUBG has become popular because it’s an escape from the reality of the ongoing war and provides a way to communicate with friends. The video game has also become popular because it can be downloaded for free on a smartphone, so it is cheaper than going to a gaming center, which costs money.)
  • Why are lawmakers in Afghanistan trying to ban PUBG? Based on details in the article, do you agree with their point of view? (Lawmakers in Afghanistan are trying to ban PUBG because they say it promotes violence and distracts students from their studies. Students’ responses to the second question will vary, but students should support their ideas with evidence from the article.)

3. Core Skill Practice
Assign, print, or project the activity Find the Evidence. Have students locate and cite text evidence to answer each question on the organizer.

Extend & Assess

4. Writing Prompt
Write a speech from a school principal in Afghanistan encouraging students to focus more on school and less on PUBG.

5. Classroom Debate
Will PUBG become less popular when the war ends?

6. Quiz & Skills
Use the quiz to assess students’ comprehension.

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